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Webpage Polonia San Diego has been created by Peter Sobczak, San Diego. Author's home in San Diego is open to Polish people, living in San Diego as well as Polish speaking guests, coming from distant places. Each year a few Polish visitors or families enjoy hospitality in author's home. From here they start many trips filled with emotions and thrill - to San Diego, California i Mexico. So far, guests from following places stayed here: Toronto, Ottawa, Paris, Leszno, Osnabruck, New York, Madison, Philadelphia and Chicago. Additionally, author guided Polish visitors from Australia, Switzerland, Hamilton, Gluszyca, Trzebnica and foreigners from Bolivia and Hungary.
Peter Sobczak comes from Swieciechowa near Leszno, Wielkopolska in Poland. He arrived in the USA w 1986. He is a graduate of Wroclaw Politechnic, Wroclaw, Poland. His specialty is acoustics, audio & analog electronics. He works currently as an audio consultant for cellular phone, wireless and digital industries, with his work related web page at http://www.audioscientific.com. He spent first years in the North and settled in San Diego, CA in 1993. This beautiful city borders with Tijuana, Mexican city. San Diego is full of tourist attractions, in the city and in surrounding countryside. After a few years of hard work, author got more time to learn all attractions and discover Polonia in San Diego & California. Such discoveries and author's fascination with San Diego surroundings brought inspiration to create this web page. Let's share all our discoveries with our guests and make possible new contacts between Polish people living here and visitors speaking Polish. Thus an idea about Guest Book and links directing to places where one can hear Polish language.
Please feel free to make comments about anything you like. Our web page will be expanded with time. Please visit us again and see new additions. Peter Sobczak
Peter Sobczak publishes this Webpage (Piotr Sobczak, 11463 Tree Hollow Lane, San
Diego, CA 92128, USA). Send comments, proposals, and new materials to Webmaster,
including webpage name and address (Polonia San Diego, http://poloniasandiego.tripod.com).
Thank you!
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